Play Hard, Work Even Harder...
As a young person who has just walked into the business world, I am quickly learning the unspoken rules that are associated with youth and inexperience. What has become even more clear is that this is going to be the most difficult part of my life. Trying to make it in a field that is super saturated with talented and driven individuals. I think that it is very important that as a young person we work hard, make some sacrifices, and never give up. You might be wondering what I mean by sacrifices. Those late nights in the middle of the week that leave you hurting the following morning are going to have to be far and few between. The days of only working to get by are no longer an option. It is no longer all fun and games, this is the real world.
Even though I may sound like I am trying to suck all the fun out of being a young person with a career ahead of him, I am not. I am merely reordering the old adage of "Work Hard, Play Even Harder" to "Play Hard, Work Even Harder." A young person has a lot to prove, especially when they are first starting out and if he or she lets to much fun get in the way, it could cost them severely. Use your best judgement when your ordering your Jack and Cokes at the bar on Wednesday. Party hard on the weekend but during the week, keep your nose to the grind stone and I promise it will pay off in the end.
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