Sunday, March 25, 2007

Television Advertising No Longer Black and White ...

I'm seeing a change happening. Maybe it has been in the works for a while and I've just started to notice it but it is sweeping the nation. Television is changing. Why is it changing, what is causing this subtle shift, where are we headed? These are some of the questions I was asking myself as I sat in front of the television one night after a very long day of test taking, designing, and studying.

These questions dawned on me when i realized that there hadn't really been a break for a commercial for a long time. As a matter of fact, there hadn't been one since the movie started. So now my attention is drawn away from the movie (not a big deal, I think I had already seen it and it wasn't that good of a movie anyway) and i begin to wait, wondering when the next ad will show. Then it happened, the ad popped up on the bottom of the screen. It was there for just a little bit and then it disappeared.

I've noticed this happening with soccer games, other big television events, and obviously movies on basic cable. I personally think this might be a form of subtle subliminal advertising. I like it but mainly because my movies and games aren't really interrupted. But I wonder if this form of advertising really works. Could this be the new way of advertising, could the super bowl someday be technically commercial free and have these little bottom screen ads instead. I'm not sure really.

I don't think that this way of advertising works for all products so the remove of traditional commercials seems a little far fetched. Still the shrinking attention span of consumers may make this the ideal way to advertise to the upcoming generations. Now I'm sure that before this happens there will be test conducted and trial shows that open the doors for the rest of the television community. I think this is what makes the advertising and marketing field so interesting. There is always change taking place and uncertainty never really goes away.

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