Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Are You Visible?...

One of the hardest parts about starting and maintaining a career in the graphic design field could be keeping yourself a visible player in your community. There is a lot of talent out there and as every semester ends more designers flood the stage with new and intriguing concepts on design. So how do you keep your head above water and allow yourself to be noticed. This is a good question because it pertains to almost everyone that is designing. Whether you are a free-lance designer trying to make it on your own or you are working for some big name design firm, you run the risk of falling out of view to those that matter most to your career.

Sometimes the littlest things like always being on time are what get you noticed and other times you have to push to stand out. One piece of advice that I would like to throw out there to you my readers is to participate. I think you all know this but you can't just sit on the side line and wait for someone to ask you to join the game. You need to be an active member of what is going on around you. This could mean many things. Joining AIGA seems to be a good place to start. This is a great way to keep up to date on what the designers in your area are doing not to mention a great medium to extend your designer network. What happens if you don't have an AIGA chapter in your town? Well, you could call up everyone you know who is a designer in your town and just get together for some drinks and talk about what each other is doing (basically that is what AIGA does but on a much grander scale).

I've said this before and I'll say this again, your network is the most important component to your career (check out my post from 9-19-07: Your Network: The Life Blood of your Career, to see what I mean). Knowing people and keeping up with them is the best way to remain visible. You never know when they might have something for you to do that could get you some attention.

One last idea that might work and that I have done a couple times is simply create a direct mail marketing plan for yourself. It sounds ludicrous but if you think about yourself as a product (when you are trying to find a job ... you basically are) it just makes sense. So make a postcard and mail it out to the design firms and in-house design shops. Even if you don't hear anything back you are still making yourself known. Who knows, they might have an opening that you might be perfect for that they might not have been advertising. I'm not saying it is a sure fire way to get a job but if you go in for an interview down the road and they remember those postcards, it could be that little element that pushes you to the front of all the other applicants.

Just remember that no one will no about you if you remain a spectator. Constantly be asking yourself ... AM I VISIBLE?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so right. Eventhough I am not in graphic design, I think that being visible is important. I was actually just thinking last night about how I can stand out from other people. I always think about what you did in college and how you created yourself as a brand and put it in a portfolio. I am hoping to find time to do something like that for myself.
-Sarah Cobb