Monday, January 21, 2008

Who Are We? (part:5) ...

It is that time of the week again. This is the fifth installment of our weekly dive into the graphic design community. This weeks subject is a pretty big player in the New York scene and it is my guess that if you live within 100 miles of the big apple, you have almost had to have heard of him.

Michael Bierut is a partner of Pentagram, a design firm in New York City. His influence on the design community is obvious through his hundreds of awards and his commitment to leading multiple associations in a direction of betterment. He is a teacher, a writer, a public speaker, but first and foremost a designer. He has held positions as the president of the AIGA chapter in New York and now is president emeritus of AIGA National. He works with the Yale School of Arts as a senior critic in graphic design and has a weekly broadcast on Public Radio International called "Studio 360." All this only begins to brush the surface of what Michael Bierut has done for the Graphic Design community. To learn more about Michael Bierut check out Pentagram. There is a lot of really great work on their site and a great little bio that offers a more in-depth look at who he is.

As always, let me know what you think of this weeks player and if you have any suggestions as to who next weeks spotlight might be. I'm always looking for new people to research and talk about.

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