Monday, December 10, 2007

Who Are We? (part:1) ...

Lately I have been scouring the internet searching for new and innovative ideas in the graphic design community. The best way to do this is to search out graphic designers themselves and see what it is they are up to. In the midst of my quest I happened upon a group of blogs who feature graphic designers, artist, photographers, etc. and I thought that my blog could also benefit from this idea. In case you hadn't noticed, I try to share my experiences, my reflections, and my knowledge with you the reader for you benefit.

So from this week on I plan to acknowledge one graphic designer that I think you should know. Sometimes you will have already hear of them, other times maybe not but the more you know about your career and the people involved in it, the better off you will be.

To start off this experiement, I would like to highlight Peter Jaworowski. Peter is currently residing in Warsaw, Poland where he holds a position at Ars Thanea. His designs will amaze you with their beauty, their creativity, and impact. When I stumbled upon his website I was taken back by the powerful elements in use in almost everyone of his designs. His list of awards and recognitions is impressive just as is his list of clients. It is not hard to understand why he has been so fortunate in dealing with big name clients like Sony, Oakley, and Nike. I think Peter is a great person to start this segment with. His work is a great place to look for inspiration when you are trying to create digital beauty. Let me know your thoughts on Peter Jaworowski.

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