Monday, March 10, 2008

What Makes Your Cube Creative...

In a working world surrounded by four free-standing walls, it is hard to find great inspiration from your surroundings. That doesn't mean that it isn't there, just that you need to look harder. Some people take their work space and turn it into some sort of theme park, others litter the walls with notes and other assortments, but what ever you do, it must speak to you.

I'm interested to hear what other designers and creative individuals out there do to make their work space more conducive to the nature of their profession. You can post a picture, describe it in word if you'd like, you can even make a crayon drawing and submit it. I'm just very curious to see the lengths some people will go to make their environment creative.

I'll start things off...

My "cube" is four walls covered with notes, color palettes, thumb-tacks, and posters. My shelves are littered with books that focus on design and help stir my creativity. Out the door is a window that looks over downtown Denver. It helps me feel like I'm not trapped in a cell. Computers and monitors consume most of the space on my desk but their is still room for a notepad when I need to sketch up an idea. It's not the most creative environment but I'm still in the process of making it my own.

-Chris Nuernberger-

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